Apr 26, 2010

Deep Simplicity - Chapter 6

Facts of Life

Darwinian Evolution
  • Offspring resemble parents - traits passed to next generation
  • Imperfect process - variations exist in each generation
  • More individuals born than survive to reproduce
    • Selects for those who are best 'fit'
  • Competition is between members of same species
  • Evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) - Hawk vs Dove (p192)
    • Evolution arrives at ESS 
    • Applies to stability
    • Red Queen Effect - run as fast as possible to stay in same place (Leigh Van Valen p194)
      • Same number of frogs & flies, but w/ stickier tongues & slipperier bodies
    • Fitness Landscape
      • Hills: favorable landscapes
      • Valleys: unfavorable (evolutionarily behind)ultiple 'local' peaks may exist
      • Co-evolution constantly changes the landscape
    • Most successful species become better at evolving
    • Punctuated Equilibrium - long intervals of no evolutionary change punctuated by short intervals of dramatic change
    • Least fit species most likely to change (die or adapt) - vice versa
    • Bak & Sneppen developed evolution game
      • Fitness b/w 0 and 1
      • Continuously adjusting least fit led to higher overall fitness for landscape
    • Amarel & Meyer revised game to include predator & prey
      • Found mass extinctions occur obeying a power law, without help of any outside intervention (extinctions w/o meteors)
    • Frequent small shocks, occasional large shocks, and no outside shocks all produced the same extinction pattern

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