Apr 26, 2010

Deep Simplicity - Chapter 3

Chaos Out of Order

  • Iterative Process - dependent on prior state
  • Logistic Equation - can be used to illustrate period-doubling
  • Example: how the population of a species changes
    • x (next) = B * x (current) * (1 - a)
      • B = Birth rate
      • x = Population
      • a = Premature death rate (prior to mating)
    • If B<1:  population dies
    • If B>1 & B<3:  x eventually settles at roughly 0.66 (2/3 of max population)
    • If B>3:  single attractor state becomes two (period doubles to 2)
      • Practically speaking, this results in 1 year of overpopulation, followed by 1 yr of underpopulation, etc - this cycle continues back and forth (2 stable states)
  • Robert May - first to conduct tests of behavior of logistic equations
    • B=3.4495 leads to 4 states
    • B=3.56 leads to 8 states
    • B=3.569 leads to 16 states
    • B=3.5699 (or higher) leads to infinite states
      • Mostly chaotic (infinite) beyond 3.5699, although there are small pockets of order, which eventually lead to chaos, on a smaller scale (self-similar)
      • Chaos to order, chaos to order, etc.
  • James Yorke & Tien Yien Li - "Period Three Implies Chaos"
  • Mitchell Feigenbaum - Period-doubling is not unique to logistic equations; it is product of iterative feedback process (self-referential)
    • Feigenbaum's Number - 4.669:1 is the universal ratio of period-doubling in all self-referential systems
  • Giuseppe Peano - constructed a curve (Peano Curve) that completely fills a plane (w/o ever crossing)
    • Pattern is self-similar and infinitely long, but contained in finite area
    • Curves (nonintersecting) are 1 dimensional and planes are 2 dimensional
    • Mandelbrot -  realized that the Peano Curve is somewhere between 1 & 2 dimensions
  •  George Cantor - Cantor Set
    • Produced by iteration; self-similar
    • Divide a line by thirds
    • Divide the two outer thirds by thirds, repeat, etc.
  •  Warclaw Sierpinski - Sierpinski Gasket
    • Self-similar
  • Helge Von Koch - Koch Curve
    • Infinitely long (although it has end points)
    • Koch snowflake
    • Koch island
      • Richardson realized measurements of coastlines erred by up to 20%
      • Due to progressively smaller scales of measurement
    • Each segment can be scaled by a factor of 3 to replicate original (self-similar)
 Richardson's coastline paradox

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