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Deep Simplicity - Chapter 4
From Chaos to Complexity
- Thermodynamics
- Closed system - poincare recurrence (time reversibility)
- Open system - irreversible arrow of time; dissipation of energy
- Lars Onsager - theory of reciprocal relations
- Temperature gradient produces concentration gradient (vice versa)
- Ilya Prigogine - dissipative system in linear regime doesn't end in (settle at) entropy, but when entropy (dissipation) is occurring slowest
- Linear: adult human beings
- Nonlinear: growth of fertilized egg
- Nonlinearity is most important when feedback is present
- System can only be held in an 'interesting' state away from equilibrium if it is dissipative and open to the outside environment, w/ an outside energy source (sun)
- Equilibrium is NOT interesting
- Chaos is NOT interesting
- Something in between is interesting (Order in the midst of Chaos)
- Gravity is the key to creating order
- Gravitational energy of any object that has mass is initially negative (potential energy)
- Initial states of objects infinitely far apart has 0 gravitational energy (Gmm/r^2)
- As they move closer, they gain kinetic energy (speed increases)
- Comes from gravitational field
- This leads to negative energy for the gravitational field
- How much for a given point mass?
- -MC^2 (exact opposite of mass energy)
- When gravitational energy is ignored (closed box), entropy results (uniformly spread gas)
- When it is not ignored (large clusters of gas & dust), gravity can create (pull) order and reduce entropy
- Due to negative energy of gravitational field
- Gravity ultimately determines direction of time
- Alan Turing - tried to invent universal computer (Turing Machine)
- Read On Growth and Form
as a kid (inspiration)
- Studied how structures emerge from a spherical, featureless egg cell
- Broken symmetry problem (convection)
- "Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" - reversal of thermodynamics
- Catalysis - presence of chemical is autocataytic, inhibitive, or both
- B(inhibitor) must diffuse more quickly than A(catalyst), but not universal
- Runaway production of A = autocatalytic
- Pattern created is stable (even tho its not at 'equilibrium') - dynamic process
- As long as continual 'source' of new chemicals (catalysts) is present
- As long as there is a 'sink' where end-products are removed
- Belousov - concoted solution which continuously changes colors (confirmed Turing)
- 2nd law of thermo suggests that solution should eventually settle into even distribution
- Lotka (1910) - created formula for this type of chemical oscillation
- Bray (1921) - showed chemical reaction based on Lotka, using iodine + oxygen
- Volterra (1930's) - described changes in fish population as prey + predator numbers oscillate
- They all contradicted 2nd law of thermodynamics - results not well-received
- Zhabotinsky - reproduced Belousov reaction (BZ Reaction)
- By changing rate of chemical inputs + removal of waste products, one can create changes in the number of 'stable' state (chaos)
- "How Leopards Get Its Spots" - James Murray
- Animal skin development follows Turing Model (melanin)
- Small effects produce big changes
- Happens at embryo stage
- Development in embryo stage is tantamont to development
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