Apr 26, 2010

Deep Simplicity - Chapter 5

Earthquakes, Extinctions, and Emergence
  • Complex system are made up of simple components
    • The way component interact is very important (creates complexity)
  • Earthquakes - Richter scale is logarithmic; each unit = factor of 30
    • Follows power-law in frequency-size
      • 10:1 ratio of size-1 to size-2 earthquakes (so on)
      • Power-law is present in fractals (coast of Normandy)
    • Scale-free: no difference b/w small & large earthquake except for size
      • Property of fractals
      • Causes are the same, only difference is magnitude & frequency
    • Ubiquity: Why Catastrophes Happen
  • Throwing rock or frozen potatoes at a wall - scalefree
    • Power-law relationship b/w frequency of large and small fragments
  • Landscape of Moon - created by impacts, which imply meteor impacts are scale-free
  • 1/f Law - size of an even is proportional to 1/(power of frequency f)
    • Soundwaves
      • White noise (completely random) - useless
      • 1/f - provides information
      • Mononote (completely uniform) - useless (ie one single musical note in perpetuity)
  • "Hundred Year Droughts" - can be followed by another "drought", or a "freeze" next year
    • Memory-less
  •  Traffic Jams - frequency and size follow power-law
    • There are jams within jams (fractals)
    • Large jams can be caused by large triggers (crashes) or small triggers (braking)
    • As density of cars increase, lowering the speed limit will decrease traffic
      • Function of time it takes to slow down (less) & speed up (more)
  • Commodity & stock prices follow 1/f & power-law (p.160-161)
    • Relatively unpredictable - small changes in interest rates can have no or much effect
  • Extinctions - KT event refers to extinction of dinosaurs (end of Cretaceous)
    • Big Five - global extinction events in past 600M years
    • Are mass extinctions 'special' or just large versions of small extinctions (scalefree)
    • Jack Sepkoski & David Raup - proved that extinctions occur with 1/f noise
      • Life is a complex system, self-organizing, with energy source, at edge of chaos
  •  Per Bak - Sandpile Model
    • On a tabletop, slowly add grains of sand one at a time (source)
    • Pile slowly forms
    • Avalanche(s) eventually appear (edge of chaos)
    • Sand falls off (sink) - 'equilibrium'
    • Amount of sand stay relatively constant - self-organized criticality
    • Each grain can trigger an avalanche or do nothing
  • Earthquakes: crusts slide against each other, strain builds (like sand), rocks deform, energy may be stored or released, marginally or heavily
  • How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality
  • Sandpile model can be simulated on chess board
    • Randomly stack/drop blocks on squares
    • Once a stack reach 4-high, dispense 1 block to each neighbor
      • Some will eventually begin to fall off the board
    • Creates system at precipice of chaos, with energy source and sink (self-organized)
  • Sand/rice obeys power-law (frequency and size) in avalanches
  • It also displays fractal patterns
  • Use red to denote 'energetic' grains (more chaotic)
    • Initial stages show little red
    • As red grows, density also grows
      • Density determines likelihood of large avalanche
    • Even after large avalanche, not all energy is removed
      • System remains at edge of chaos
  • Stuart Kauffman (Santa Fe Institute) - button analogy
    • Initially unconnected (uncomplex)
    • Use string to randomly connect one button to another randomly (button = node)
    • Each cluster of connected buttons is a network
      • Size of largest cluster network determines complexity of the system
      • Growth of largest cluster is slow at first
      • At approximately (# of buttons)/2, cluster grows exponentially (super cluster)
        • Phase transition
  • Grain/sand connection (thread) - gravity, friction, angles
  • Asteroid connection - Sun, planets, moons, other asteroids
  • Kauffman - developed theory on origin of life describing chemicals engaged in autocatalytic reactions
    • Form network
    • With sufficient connections, life emerges
      • Phase transition
      • Either/or (no ambiguity)
  • Kauffman - DNA cell theory
    • 30K to 100K genes in humans - 256 different kinds of specialized cells
      • Despite every cell having the same DNA
    • With 2 connections per node (DNA)
      • Sqrt(nodes) as number of cycles
      • Sqrt(nodes) as number of steps
    • 1 connection freezes
    • >2 connections lead to chaos (butterfly effect)

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