Jul 28, 2010

Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Chapter 3

Freire sets out several criterion essential to a dialogical eduction:
  1. Love - for the world... for the people... we need to possess courage, not fear, and a commitment to others, that is love... if we do not love the world, life, or people, we cannot enter into dialogue with them
  2. Humility - we cannot dialogue if we project ignorance onto others, and never perceive our own... self-sufficiency is incompatible with dialogue... there are neither utter ignoramuses nor perfect sages, only people attempting together to learn more than they now know
  3. Faith - in people's power to make/remake... we must believe in others, that they are capable of the responsibility of freedom & liberation
  4. Hope - if dialoguers expect nothing of their efforts, then it will be empty and sterile, beaureaucractic and tedious
  5. Critical thinking - which discerns an indivisible solidarity b/w the world and the people... which perceives reality as process, rather than static entity
Pedagogy criticizes the traditional 'banking' model of education for teaching students what the teacher wants to, or already knows, rather than what the students need to know.  This process removes the need for active participation of students, in any form other than some derivative of memorization.  To deepen critical understanding, we must help students develop an active attitude, so that they become the subjects of the education, rather than depository objects.

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