Jul 27, 2010

Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Chapter 2

Freire cautions against the 'banking' model of education, in which students become depositories, where teachers go to deposit their 'facts'.  This flawed method only serves to perpetuate the existing status quo, by telling the students how they should think.  Conveniently, it is often the oppressors which determine the truths to be deposited, thereby securing their power base.  In the banking model, an educated person is passive, and better 'fit' for the world.

Instead, Freire believes that education should spur students to critically consider reality.  Real education should be liberating, by presenting problems, rather than spoon-feed 'solutions'.  The way to bridge the gap between banking and education is through communication and dialogue.  Teachers must be students, and students must be teachers... the education must flow both ways.  As teachers listen to the students, they can better understand them, and the dynamic truths in which they live.

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