Jun 30, 2010

PIMCO - Relevant Thoughts on Debt & Population

From the mind of Bill Gross, head of PIMCO (largest bond fund in world)...
First of all, capitalistic innovation fostered productivity, and an increasing standard of living through technology and innovation. Debts could be paid back via profits and higher wages if only because of rising prosperity itself. Secondly, the 20th century, which fathered the debt supercycle, was a time of global population growth despite its interruption by tragic world wars and periodic pandemics. Prior debts could be spread over an ever-increasing number of people, lessening the burden and making it possible to assume even more debt in a seemingly endless cycle which brought consumption forward – anticipating that future generations could do the same. 
But while technological innovation – much like Moore’s law – seems to have endless promise, population growth in numerous parts of the developed world is approaching a dead end. Not only will it become more difficult to transfer high existing debt burdens onto the smaller shoulders of future generations, but the overlevered, aging “global boomers” themselves will demand a disproportionate piece of stunted future goods and services – without, it seems, the ability to pay for it. Creditors, sensing the predicament, hold back as they recently have in Greece and other southern European peripherals, or in the U.S. itself, as lenders demand larger down payments on new home mortgages, and other debt extensions. 
Aging and population change of course are just part of the nemesis. We could have “saved” for this moment much like squirrels in wintertime but humanity’s free will is infected with greed, avarice and in a majority of instances, hope as opposed to commonsense. We overdid a good thing and now the financial reaper is at the door, scythe and financial bill in one hand, with the other knocking on door after door of previously unsuspecting households and sovereigns to initiate a “standard of living” death sentence.


  1. hm wait a second
    "population growth in numerous parts of the developed world is approaching a dead end."

    if this is true, and this is the cause of our looming entitlement/debt crisis...then why do you want to DECREASE population by your cap on the number of kids that can be had? shouldn't it be the other way around?

  2. Declining population is partly responsible for unsustainable entitlement/debt imo...

    in the long-view... the US population growth is still higher than 0, and its consumption is higher than sustainable...

    I am not in favor increasing population growth just so we can perpetuate entitlement/debt crisis...

    these are just the facts... not a prescription for us to avoid the pain we will cause ourselves
