Jun 13, 2010

Living Within Limits - Chapter 18

Making Room for Human Will

In today's heated political arena, despite their dichotomous rhetoric, neither liberals nor conservatives have shown the will necessary to institute real change.  Liberals want perpetual economic growth in order to help the poor (unsaid: most liberals would like to at least preserve their current standard of living).  Conservatives need perpetual growth so that they can continue becoming wealthier (no ulterior motives).

We're Living on Borrowed Time

Much to the chagrin of both sides of society, 'only madmen and economists believe in perpetual exponential growth'.  This truth of natural science was advocated by none other than the white knight of western capitalism, Warren Buffet:
In a finite world, high growth rates must self-destruct.  If the base from which growth is taking place is tiny, this law may not operate for a time.  But when the base balloons, the party ends: A high growth rate eventually forges its own anchor. (1990 Annual Letter)
Side Note - An Exception to 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

Steady-State Economics: Second Edition With New EssaysMatter and energy is conserved.  To this there is no exception (cue for natural scientists to breathe a sigh of relief).  However, there is a third entity which does not seem to observe conservation: information.  Music, arts, literature, science, philosophy, spirituality, - these can 'grow without limit, and there is no reason they cannot grow vigorously in a steady-state economy.'  The end of growth is not the end of human civilization. It is simply the end of gluttony and greed, and all the avarice and suffering that come with them.

No Free Burnt Offerings

In the end, we need to make some tough decisions.  We should not 'seek a costless change, for there is none'.  There may be some which appear less painful (for us), but these often impose heavy burdens on others (including our children).  Though some of the sacrifices we need to make will bear a cost, should we expect it any other way?

"I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing"
2 Samuel 24:24

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